Arch of Triumph
Disappointed Tourist: Arch of Triumph, Palmyra, Syria
Blown-up 2015
The Bastille
Paris, France
Demolished 1790
Black Wall Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Destroyed 1921
Christchurch Greyfriars
London, England, UK Bombed 1940 The Disappointed Tourist: Christchurch Greyfriars, Ellen Harvey, 2021. Oil and acrylic on Gessoboard, 24 x 18″ (61 x 46 cm). Photograph: Etienne Frossard. Christchurch Greyfriars, also known as Christchurch Newgate Street, located in London opposite St. Paul’s Cathedral, was a church built to the design of Sir Christopher Wren to […]
Cluny Abbey
Cluny, Saône-et-Loire, France
Sacked 1790
Dar Mar Elia Monastery
Mosul, Iraq
Demolished 2014
Dresden, Germany
Bombed 1945
Great Mosque of Aleppo
Ancient City of Aleppo, Syria
Partially destroyed 2013
Great Synagogue
Warsaw, Poland
Blown-up 1943
Holy Trinity Church
Margate, Kent, England, UK
Bombed 1943
Hiroshima Castle
Hiroshima, Japan
Atomic Bomb 1945
Ypres, Belgium
Shelled 1914-1918
Lion of Al-lāt
Disappointed Tourist: Lion of Al-Lat, Palmyra, Syria
Damaged / destroyed / moved 2015
Maras Farmagusta
Farmagusta, Cyprus
Abandoned 1974
Mashki Gate
Nineveh, Iraq
Bulldozed 2016
Nelson’s Pillar
Dublin, Ireland
Blown-up 1966
Olive Grove
Taqou, Palestine Bulldozed 2019 Of the many tragedies of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, the one that is often forgotten are the trees. When the Israeli government takes Palestinian olive groves to make illegal settlements or re-draw the map, swallowing up more and more territory, they often just draw a line through a […]
6222 Osage Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Bombed 1985
St. Michael’s
Coventry, England, UK
Bombed 1940
Old Summer Palace
Beijing, China
Arson 1860
Temple of Bel
Disappointed Tourist: Temple of Bel, Palmyra, Syria
Destroyed 2015
Temple of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel
Destroyed 70
Hisarlik, Turkey
Abandoned circa 1180 BC
Great Walls of Benin
Benin City, Edo, Nigeria Destroyed 1897 I was born and raised in southern Nigeria in a town called Warri, Bendel State; the capital was Benin City. I always knew about the Benin people and culture as I had family, friends, classmates, and neighbors who were from the Benin tribe. I was even more fascinated by […]