Zee Peach Farm

708 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA


The Disappointed Tourist: Zee Peach Farm, Ellen Harvey, 2021. Oil and acrylic on Gessoboard, 18 x 24″ (46 x 61 cm). Photograph: Etienne Frossard.

Would stop on the way home from work to buy these great peaches. Miss the open space and the farm environment where the hospital now sits. Mary S.

Known for their JerZee peaches, Zee Orchards was started in 1943 with the purchase by Wilmer Zee of 64 acres for $26,000. It grew to over 600 acres to include small portions devoted to nectarines, apples, and plums. The orchard was handed down to his son Doug who eventually split it with his son, Doug Jr. It was known in the fruit growers community for its modern and efficient peach processing…and for everyone else it’s delicious peaches sold at the roadside market. Due to financial difficulties, around 2000 Zee sold more than 200 acres to Rowan University under the agreement he could still farm the land until the college wanted to develop it. In 2013 the orchard shut down and equipment was auctioned off. It is now the site of Inspira Medical Center Mullica Hill and Rowan University West Campus Turf Complex. Much of the peach production Gloucester County was known for has moved south to Salem and Cumberland Counties and the former farmlands developed. The painting is based on a collage of several photographs.